Custom Taphandles
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Offer the highest quality... Impressive selection of possibilities.

​ Taphandle Master can offer almost unlimited possibilities shapes and forms and we can combine with various material like stainless steel, copper, zinc alloy, acrylic, magnetic and chalk board for more eyes catching and technical designs.

We are very strong on fake wood effects, stone, rusted metal feeling... too easy models are not for us. We are focus on producing the coolest tap handles, the ones that stand out of the crowd.

We can follow your imagination and come up with a very unique design that reflect your passion to brewing. We offer the most eyes catching tap handles that will impress your customers and stand out from other tap handles and lead customers to the order.

​ Our tap handles will be the ambassador of beers. This is what the customer will see before tasting your beer. From the innovative and technical design, and our sense of perfection to the introcated details, the patrons will select your products with the confidence they are going to have a great experience drinking your beer.